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Our Top 5 Wedding Party Gifts & Favours · Embroidery

Writer's picture: BertieBertie

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

The Party Fox Team have put together our top 5 wedding party embroidery gifts for the big day. The idea is that you can have an excellent 'keepsake' memory for you and your guests. Used on before, on the wedding day and as a lasting token of your appreciation of their involvement in the special day.

Our top 5 list focuses on our embroidery patch range that can be used in a variety of ways from Hen parties/ stags to simply placing on the wedding breakfast table where your guests sit.

Lets begin!


5. The Year You Got Married...

This is a lovely simple gift that you can give to your other half or as a guest gift for the happy couple. There is space at the bottom to add any extra bits yourself. This simple patch can be sewn onto a special piece of fabric or kept with a box of memories from the day.

4. Something New, Something Borrowed & Something Blue...

We all know the rhyme and suppositious or not... we think you will like this one.

This embroidered badge has a blue rimmed edge for the wanted/ required blue on the special. The older generation know best on this one...don't let the question be asked "do you have something blue on you?" and let them or you go into a state of shock in the known fact "you must have something blue on the big day - its tradition".

If in fact this isn't your bag and you are thinking 'screw tradition', we wouldn't blame you. We have plenty more in our embroidery selection!


3. Bouncer of Ceremony

Lets face it the wedding party wouldnt be the same without this person! We love seeing this one used the most. Not only because of its quirky and comedy factor!, but because often it is a role created for that one person everyone knows will be the life and sole of the party.

Maybe its an inside joke for the serious uncle that needs to lighten up! Or its the trusted family member/ friend who you know will help to keep the new in-laws in order. The Bouncer Of Ceremony is up there with the most important role of the wedding party.

If we were doing this top 5 list in order of popularity on the Party Fox website... this would win hands down!

2. The Bride & Groom

Whether you are in need of a gift for the happy couple or you want the best place name for yourself... that can also be worn!


Everyone knows who the top team is but it doesn't hurt too label it! If your the bride, why not attach to your garter or even safety pin to evening dress for an added quirk.

If you are thinking Hen or Stag... you wouldnt be far wrong! This is one of our customers most popular choices for these patches. Ideal gift if you are the one in charge of planning the party and want to add a bit of class!

We have seen some great examples of the groom using the iron on technique to attach to the inside of the suit jacket; alternatively safety pin does the trick. One of our favs is seeing them attached to the seating plan list and then worn later on for a bit of evening party fun!

And finally our all time favourite embroidery gift is....


1. The One Where We Got Married

Calling all Friends fans? We have you in mind here!

This is a shout out to all those who watch Friends episodes like they are still being made. Our designers couldn't resist this little touch of genius and we couldn't agree more.

This embroidery patch is selling fast and we think we know why. Out of all our embroidery badges/ patches on Party Fox this is the one that we know will hold the most memories for the future. You dont have to be a Friends fan to appreciate how this is a lovely little memory to treasure.

With a customised date to make sure the day cant be forgotten, this embroidery gift is the ideal gift to a partner or friend or loved one.

Thank you for reading Our Top 5 Wedding Party Gifts & Favours · Embroidery edition - For more ideas check out our gifts and accessories on our website!


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